Sick, writing, and taking time off

Eugh! I have been sick the last week. Just a rotten cold, but it has really hit me. I’ve been out for a few days now. 


Everyone gets sick. But over the past few days I’ve noticed some a bit of a unique challenge it brings as a writer.

One of the frustrating things about being a freelance writer is the lack of security. I literally have no secure job at the moment and therefore no guaranteed future pay. I love what I do, but at times like this, it’s a real pain. What this means is that unfortunately I’ve been working while sick. I took all of the weekend off (I’ve been trying to work less on weekend) — but unfortunately I’ve had to do quite a bit of work at the start of this week (including writing this blog post).

It’s the unfortunate nature of the work these days. I know lots of people who would never take time off work if they were sick — even those with good sick leave provisions. Our work culture has become so engrained that we can’t even look after ourselves properly when we get ill.

I’m definitely trying to get better at taking time off. I had an amazing sleep last night and didn’t get up until 11 today. And I’m going to stop writing this in a minute so I can relax. But I probably will have to keep working before this cold goes away.

I’d love to be a position where that doesn’t have to happen, but that’s probably not going to be the case for a while yet. Oh well.

Now I’m going to have a nap.

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